Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Getting ready to leave

Cusco on Corpus Christi above and Cusco with a pre Inti Raymi festival today. Inti Raymi is celebrated on June 24th.

As I was riding into Cusco this morning on the bus I was filled with love and gratitude for this land and its people. I was surrounded by such magnificent mountains and I could see the llamas grazing as well.
I am grateful to the team at Living Heart for welcoming me into their work and providing an opening for me to make a contribution, in the process I have learned a lot and want to continue to contribute when I return home.
My time with Aida and Kinkulla has been full of laughs, great food and patience with my spanish, they are very happy with my progress.
In conclusion I want to thank all my family and friends and neighbors for their support and interest in what I am doing here.
My time here in Peru has led me to conclude that Peru is my second adopted home, Chicago the first and of course Ireland my place of birth.

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